
Saving Money

Making Money

Battery Recondition

Saving the xbox360

Saving car fuel



There are lots of way to save money here are some of the best one. If you have a good money saving ideals then email me at mark@bigsaving.co.uk and I mite just post it.
  1. This is a good one for all with children. Squeeze the loo roll into an oval shape. It doesn't rollout so easily - and kids will tend not to use yards at a time!
  2. When cooking turn off the oven 5-10 minutes before you have finished cooking as the oven remain hot. If you cook in the oven say 3 time a week that works out at one day cooking time.
  3. Buy every day items from a car boot sale you will be amazed on the saving you could make. I once brought a bread maker for a fiver which had only been used once a saving of £45. I also buy a lot of kids clothes from the car boot sales which is a big saving, most of them are only 50p each and that's for a Next top!
  4. Another way to save money on batteries is to recondition them yourself click here to find out more (90% of batteries we through away can be reconditioned).
  5. Another good place to pick up a bargin is ebay but be carefull. I will be writing a few tips on buying from ebay later.
  6. Changing you light bulbs for low energy will save money in two ways one is they use less electric and two they last 10 times longer but only cost 5 times more so it works out costing half the price of normal light bulbs. There is a added bonus you want have to stand on a chair quite so often to change them and if you worried about global warming you carbon foot print will be less.
  7. To save fuel in your car is to fit a hho system to your car to find out more click here (I did and now I am saving on my fuel bill).
  8. Here's a good one washing power is made to get your clothes clean first time no matter how dirty there are, but most of us do not get our clothes that dirty so only half the amount of washing power will do, try it out.
  9. Another one is washing up liquid we all use too much if you buy a pump dispenser and use one pump at a time this will save money.
  10. If you a car driver you can save money just by making sure your tyre pressure are right, try to keep your speed down (driving at 50 mile an hour will save you money), try to drive smothly and if you can walk or cycle do it.
  11. Just by turning down the central heating by 1 degree could save up to 10%. You can also put a jumper or two on instead.
  12. Hanging out the washing to dry is free.
  13. I always use compatible ink cartridge saving up to 75%. I have fund a good supplier w2w Click here
  14. Brew your own alochol. This can be alot of fun as it is cheap to do and when it is ready you can invite friends round to sample in stead of going out. Click here for a good web site which has every thing you need.
  15. Only boil as much water you want in the kettle.
  16. If you have a garden why not try and grow you own veg.
  17. If you have got a broken Xbox 360 your could save by repairing it your self click here to find out more

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